Here you will find the most useful resources I found online as well as my favourite books.


  • Andrew Gelman’s blog. I studied from his books, so I might be biased by this. This is a gold mine for whoever wants a deeper understanding in statistics.
  • Aki Vehtari’s website. Here you will find many enlightening examples, as well as his YouTube course on BDA, which is for me the best course you will find around (but it uses R, so if you prefer Python you might still find something useful in this blog ;) ).
  • The PyMC webpage. The best place to clarify your doubts on how to use PyMC. The community is amazing, so don’t be afraid to ask them!
  • Daniel Lakens’ webpage is a great place to figure out how to design good experiments and draw meaningful conclusions. Here you will also find a lot of philosophy of science, which is unfortunately often omitted in many statistical courses.
  • The Nullius in Verba podcast, conducted by Lakens together with Smiriti Mehta. Here you will find more questions than answers, but that’s philosophy of science!
  • Thomas Wiecki’s webpage is another great place to start from if you want a deeper understanding on Bayesian modelling in Python.
  • I also enjoy listening to Alexandre Andorra’s podcast, as there you will find out how Bayesian statistics is applied to many different fields.


Data Visualization

  • Take a look at Enrico Bertini’s page, he will give you tons of ideas and, most important, a solid background. You will find all his channels at
  • Moritz Stefaner is the author of some of my favourite visualizations, he is really able to let you understand the data within a data visualization. He’s the only truth and beauty operator, and you’ll find him at
  • Tamara Munzner is an amazing teacher, and if you want to build a good dashboard you should take a look at her dataviz lectures on YouTube. Her home page is
  • Data Sketches is a blog held by Shirley Wu and Nadieh Bremer. Their book is very instructive if you have some JavaScript background and you want to find some new ideas on how to draw beautiful visualizations.
  • On Perceptual Edge you will find many suggestions by Stephen Few on how (not) to make a data visualization.


  • Edward Tufte has been called the “Leonardo da Vinci” of the data by the New York Times. You will learn a lot by all his books. You will find the complete list here
  • Information Visualization by Colin Ware will allow you to understand the mechanisms behind the human vision. It’s a must read!
  • Visualization Analysis and Design can be considered the updated version of Colin Ware’s book for dashboard. I loved it.
  • White space is not your enemy is a very nice introductory textbook to design, it will give you some basic knowledge on how to visually convey your message.