Color is often used and misused in data visualization, as its stand out properties makes it a very attractive channel for any kind of visualization. However, properly using color to encode any kind of attribute is far from being an easy task. Here we will start to analyze this problem by building a color space with the proper features.

The RGB color space

As we have seen, we perceive color thanks to cones, which are divided into three types. Each type is more sensitive to a specific wavelength, corresponding to red, green and blue respectively. This implies that, from a perceptual point of view, color is a three dimensional space, as any color we see can be defined by providing the amount of contribution of each of the three channels. These three channels are the same channels that are used by computers to specify a colors: in the RGB space a color is defined by providing three numbers. Since computers work in binary base rather than in base 10 base, the three numbers can span from $0$ to $255=2^8-1\,,$ and $0$ corresponds to no color in that channel, while $255$ means that that channel fully contributes to that color. In the following you can visualize the mapping between the RGB input and the color output.




XYZ and Lab color spaces

Even if both the systems work by using red, green and blue as fundamental colors, the RGB color system does not exactly correspond to how our eyes perceive the color, since the cones has a broad wavelength bandwidth. In order to account for this, the International Commission on Illuminance (CIE, from the french acronym), proposed in 1936 the XYZ color space, where the basis vectors X, Y and Z are given by a linear combination of the R,G and B component.

While our eyes capture the R,G and B channels, this is not how the signal is elaborated by our brain. According to the color opponency theory, defined in the literature as one of the most important models in color perception, we combine the perceived colors into three channels:

  • Black-White
  • Blue-Yellow
  • Magenta-Green

This theory was born from the intuition that we cannot perceive opponent colors simultaneously: there is no reddish green neither bluish yellow. For this reason, the CIE proposed the Lab color system, where the three coordinates are the luminance \(L^*\) (black-white channel) together with two chroma \(a^*\), which goes spans from magenta to green, and \(b^*\), which runs in the blue-yellow direction. The mapping between the XYZ color space to the Lab color space is non-linear in order for the Lab space to be perceptually uniform, which means that a variation in this space can be linearly mapped into a perceived color variation. Another space with the same features is the Luv color space, but from the methodological point of view its construction is identical to the Lab color space.

HCL color space

This color system is, however, nor very intuitive, as it is hard to specify a color by means of its \(a^*\) and \(b^*\) components. This problem can, however, easily solved by switching to circular coordinates into the \(a-b\) plane. This color space, named LCh, has three coordinates:

  • Hue (the angular coordinate)
  • Chroma (the radial coordinate)
  • Lightness

In the following we try and show the LCh color space.


Click on a color to get the corresponding RGB value.


Notice that the LCh color space can be both be constructed by starting from the Lab space and from the Luv space, so a subscript in order to specify if the LCh color space has been build on the Lab color space or on the Luv color space.

The LCh color space is both perceptually uniform and easy to use.

There have been other attempts to map the RGB color space into more friendly color spaces, and the most popular are HSL and HSV, but they are not perceptually uniform, so they are not well suited for data visualization.


We saw how to switch from the RGB color space to the HCL color space, going through the XYZ and the Lab/Luv color spaces. The HCL color space is perceptually uniform, so variations into the color space are linearly mapped to perceptual variations. This feature makes this color space a fundamental building block in data visualization, as it allows us to use color to map quantitative attributes in a non-deceptive way. In a future post we will see how to use this space to build color palettes.