Multidimensional distributions
We will now discuss some multidimensional generalization of the previously introduced distributions.
The multinomial model
The categorical model can be seen as a generalization of the Bernoulli model, and if the binomial model is the sum of $n$ Bernoulli trials, the multinomial model is the sum of $n$ categorical trials.
The categorical distribution
The categorical distribution is the most general distribution over the set of $k$ distinct elements, and it is defined as $$ p(x | \theta_1,\dots \theta_k) = \theta_i \, if \, x = i $$ where $$x \in \{1,2,\dots,k \}\,.$$ Since the total probability must be one, we have that $$\sum_{i=0}^k \theta_i = 1 $$As an example, let us consider the 2022 Formula One championship, and let us see what’s the winning probability of the best pilots. The dataset can be found here, and the results for the wins are
Driver | N. win | |
0 | Carlos Sainz | 1 |
1 | Charles Leclerc | 3 |
2 | George Russell | 1 |
3 | Max Verstappen | 15 |
4 | Sergio Perez | 2 |
As a prior we will take a Dirichlet distribution, which is the generalization of the beta distribution to $n$ elements. Its support is the n-dimensional unit simplex
\[\begin{align} & x = (x_1,\dots, x_n) \\ & 0 \leq x_i \leq 1 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^n x_i = 1 \end{align}\]The Dirichlet takes an $n$ dimensional vector of real positive elements $\alpha = (\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$, and we will take $\alpha_1=\dots=\alpha_n = \frac{1}{n}\,.$
Let us now estimate the winning probability for each of them
import pandas as pd
import arviz as az
import pymc as pm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
df_f1 = pd.read_csv(
df_red = df_f1[df_f1['Position']=='1'].groupby('Driver').count()
seed = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
In order to build our model, we must map each pilot to an integer, and this can be done with pandas’ factorize function.
factors = pd.factorize(df_f1[df_f1['Position']=='1']['Driver'])
y_obs = factors[0]
Now we can run our model
with pm.Model() as cat_model:
p = pm.Dirichlet('p', a=np.ones(len(df_red))/len(df_red))
y = pm.Categorical('y', p=p, observed=y_obs)
trace = pm.sample(nuts_sampler='numpyro', random_seed=seed)
Let us take a better look at our estimates. First of all, we will build a dataframe to match each factor to the corresponding name.
df_names = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'name': factors[1].values,
'number': range(len(factors[1].values))})
name | number | |
0 | Charles Leclerc | 0 |
1 | Max Verstappen | 1 |
2 | Sergio Perez | 2 |
3 | Carlos Sainz | 3 |
4 | George Russell | 4 |
We can now make our forest plot, by keeping in mind that the $y$ axis goes from the bottom to the top (we must therefore revert the order of our dataframe).
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
az.plot_forest(trace, ax=ax)
ax.set_yticklabels([f"{elem}" for elem in df_names['name'][::-1]])
The components are strongly correlated
az.plot_pair(trace, kind='kde')
We can now take a look at the posterior predictive check
with cat_model:
ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace)
Let us not plot the posterior predictive
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
az.plot_ppc(ppc, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim([0, 1+np.max(df_names['number'])])
ax.set_xticklabels(df_names['name'], rotation=45, fontsize=11)
As you can see, our model accurately reproduces the observed data.
Multivariate normal
Since the normal distribution with zero mean only depends on $x$ via $x^2/\sigma^2\,,$ we can immediately generalize it by replacing $x^2/\sigma^2$ with any positively-defined form $x \cdot \Sigma \cdot x\,,$ and the generalization to the general $\mu$ case is straightforward.
A less straightforward choice is how to provide a prior for $\Sigma\,,$ and the most common solution is to use the LKJ distributed correlations .
We will use this model to verify if there is any association between the speed and the alcohol consumption in the car crash dataset, which comes with the seaborn library.
df_car = sns.load_dataset('car_crashes')
sns.pairplot(df_car[['speeding', 'alcohol']])
As we can see, we cannot treat them independently, since the expected value for one variable depends on the other variable. As an example, if we fix “alcohol” to 5 we get an expected value for speed which is different from the expected value that we would get by fixing alcohol to 7.5. The simplest way to implement this behavior for real data is by means of the multivariate normal model.
with pm.Model() as mvnorm:
mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=0, sigma=20, shape=(2))
sd_dist = pm.HalfNormal.dist(2.0, size=2)
chol, corr, sigmas = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('sigma', eta=1., n=2, sd_dist=sd_dist)
y = pm.MvNormal('y', mu=mu, chol=chol, observed=df_car[['speeding', 'alcohol']])
trace_car = pm.sample(nuts_sampler='numpyro', random_seed=seed)
coords={"sigma_corr_dim_0": 0, "sigma_corr_dim_1": 1})
The trace looks good. We included the coordinates option because the diagonal terms in the correlation matrix are, by construction, always one. This causes some issue to arviz that, when plotting, assumes that what has been provided to the plot function, is a random variable with more than one value. We can now turn to the posterior predictive checks. We will do this as follows
with mvnorm:
y_p = pm.MvNormal('y_p', mu=mu, chol=chol)
ppc_car = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_car, var_names=['y', 'y_p'])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
az.plot_pair(ppc_car, var_names=['y_p'], kind='kde', group='posterior_predictive', ax=ax)
ax.scatter(x=df_car['speeding'], y=df_car['alcohol'], color='lightgray')
The PPC looks quite good too, except for few outliers. These should be carefully investigated by considering a more robust model or by changing the model structure and including additional covariates. Since this goes beyond the scope of this post, however, we will leave the reader deal with this problem.
We can now inspect the posterior density. Since we expect the correlation between the variables to be relevant, we will only show the 2d joint kernel density estimate of the posterior.
var_names=['mu', 'sigma', 'sigma_corr'],
coords={"sigma_corr_dim_0": 0, "sigma_corr_dim_1": 1})
As we have seen, for the normal and for the binomial model, it straightforward to immediately generalize the one dimensional model to the multidimensional one. This is not true for all the models, but often the multivariate normal and the multinomial models are good starting points to build more involved models.
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Python implementation: CPython
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jaxlib : 0.4.28
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