In this section I will collect all my posts about statistics.
dataviz is not sufficient to understand your data. In this case there’s only one way you can rigorously approach your
problem: statistics.
This is a huge field, and it’s quite easy to get lost within it. In the following you will find some material which helped me
to clarify my ideas and to face data-related problems.
Have fun!
Post list
- An overview to statistics: What well we talk about
- Introduction to Bayesian inference: A little bit more about Bayesian inference
- How does MCMC works: Getting an idea of what's happening behind the scenes
- Some notation about probability: Notation and conventions
Simple models
- Section introduction: Understanding the building blocks
- The Beta-Binomial model: Dealing with binary outcomes
- The Poisson model: How to describe count data
- The Negative Binomial model: An evolution of the Poisson model
- Bonus: counting animals in a park: The hypergeometric distribution and the capture-mark-recapture method
- The Gaussian model: Handling real-valued data
- Multidimensional distributions: Dealing with more than two categories
- Mixture models: When your population is made by subpopulations
Bayesian workflow
- Introduction to the Bayesian workflow: How to make bayesian inference in practice
- Trace inspection: Finding issues in MCMC convergence
- Predictive checks: Verifying the predictions of your model
- Re-parametrizing your model: Building equivalent models with less numerical issues
- Model comparison: How to choose between models
- Model comparison, cont.: Cross validation in Bayesian statistics
- Introduction to the linear regression: Including dependence on external variables
- Linear regression with binary input: Extending regression to discrete variables
- Multi-linear regression: Including many covariates
- Robust linear regression: Reducing sensitivity to large deviations
- Logistic regression: How to perform regression on binary data
- Poisson regression: Regression on count data
Hierarchical models
- Hierarchical models: How to implement hierarchies
- Hierarchical models and meta-analysis: How hierarchical models can be used to analyze scientific literature